Thursday, October 13, 2011

Constant pulling on the leash? Helpfull products are here!

Leash pulling, almost all dogs do it. For some dogs, its an easily stopped habit, with a little training, he never pulls again. For others (including my dog) daily walks are needed to keep him trained. But for some stubborn dogs, it seems like nothing will stop him from taking his owner for a walk. So for this month, I am going to review a few great anti-pull products, some which will work better for certain dogs than for others. I will also provide the basic costs for each product, keep in mind though, these are only estimates and depend on the quality of the product. 1.The most simple type of anti-pull device is the choke chain. Though debated whether cruel or not, it works great on aggressive dogs, which will probably ignore other methods when aggressing other dogs. Choke chains, which can also be made out of rope, nylon, etc. constrict on a dogs neck when he pulls, causing "choking" until the dog stops pulling. ($1.00-10.00) 2. A more gentle approach to pulling is a Head collar or Non pulling harness. The Head collar fits over a dogs muzzle, and gently redirects the dogs muzzle when he pulls or jerks, causing him to simply redirect his attention. These are said to work great on softer willed breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Spaniels, and dog of those origins. Non pulling harnesses are about the same concept, except they constrict over a dogs breastbone, merely causing a temporary discomfort until the dog ceases his behavior. ($10.00 &$15.00) 3. This one-of-a-kind anti-pull device is taking Europe by storm. The Patento Pet® Dog-e-Walk is a high quality German designed product getting great results everywhere. The Dog-e-walk connects to your dogs leash, and then to your dogs collar. When it senses your dog pulling, it emits varying degrees of ultra sonic sounds (depending on how hard your dog is pulling), that are inaudible to human ears. Dogs dislike the sound, and promptly stop the behavior. If you purchase Dog-e-Walk premium, it can also be used as a handheld transmitter, allowing quick, effective corrections anywhere. One word of caution, may be to purchase the Dog-e-Walk at a nearby store, or a internet seller that allows returns. The reason I advise you to do this is because some dogs, especially older dogs with hearing problems, may completely ignore ultrasonic sounds, rendering the product ineffective. If you've used ultra sonic products on your dog before, and he has responded, then there shouldn't be any reason why he wouldn't respond to the Dog-e-Walk. (Basic $31.99, Premium $50.00) These products are available at, in their monthly catalog, or should be available at your local PETCO or Petsmart. The Dog-e-Walk can also be ordered directly from Enjoy your walk!

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