Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ticks are over--or are they?

With summer almost over, many people stop worrying about ticks. But in reality, September is one of their peak seasons, more animals/people getting ticks then any other month, and with that, more diseases like Lyme disease, being spread. Often, pet owners turn to Frontline, or another type of chemical killer. These work great for animals that are highly exposed to ticks, or dogs and cats with very long fur. The problem with these chemical killers is that they can take hours to kill the tick, AFTER the tick bites, and when they do die, they fall off in your house. Some people report finding dead ticks in their carpets and beds. Chemicals can also cause allergic reactions in some pets, causing itching, sores, vomiting, welts, and all sorts of unique complications. So naturally, people who have dogs or cats that aren't normally exposed to ticks, decide they will just find the ticks, and take them off with tweezers. But anybody who has had a tick on their dog, cat or themselves, know they bore in, and can be very hard to get out. Looking for a solution, our family came across Tic-Off. ( Tic-Off is a non-allergenic, pesticide free,, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, FDA registered medical spray. When used correctly, it immobilizes the tick instantly, allowing for easy removal and prevents the transmission of any on board diseases. Methods like cigarettes, nail polish, rubbing alcohol, etc. cause the tick to "spit" back the blood and infectious diseases into it's host. Our own experiences with Tic-Off have been great, we've used it on our dog, ourselves, friend's pets, and have had wonderful results. The ticks just lift off with tweezers. Every 1.5 oz bottle sprays many, many times.Tic-Off can also be used on leeches, great gift for hunters, hikers, and outdoors-men. Tic-Off includes a special tweezers, and retails for $12.95 + $4.95 for shipping and handling on Visit their site to learn more about ticks, the tick bite, and to order Tic-Off. Have a great end of summer!

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