With any dog, trimming his nails is frustrating, not only for him, but for you. Trimming dogs nails is especially challenging, as you don't want to cut his quick. The quick is the nerve and blood inside the nail, if cut, will not only be extremely painful, but will leave a bloody mess. Most dogs have black or dark nails that make the quick very hard to see. One way to see the quick on a dark nailed dog, is to look at the underside of the nail, you should see a faint impression, where that ends, his quick ends. This may sound like a simple solution, but in reality, it isn't satisfactory. Holding your dog's paw up, taking a look at where the quick ends, and then trying to trim just doesn't work. Most owners resort to filing, or getting their vet do it. The first, filing, doesn't work well, especially on small dogs. There paws rattle, its very timely, and it can leaves nails jaggedly. Taking your dogs to the vet, is not only a hassle, but costly. But (as you probably guessed) there is a better solution!
The folks at MiracleCorp™ have invented a outstanding new product, the QuickFinder®. QuickFinder works by sending out frequencies, and detecting the changes over nail, nail/quick, or quick. In doing so, it alerts whether its safe to cut or not, via 3 LED lights. Green-safe to cut, Yellow- cauiton, or Red- do not cut. Simple, but a revolutionary new product. QuickFinder (for small dogs and cats) and QuickFinder Deluxe (for large dogs) sell for around $15.99-$34.99 each, depending on place of purchase. QuickFinder can be purchased at PetSmart, and some PETCO's, calling ahead is advised. For more information, where to buy, and customer testimonials, visit www.quickfinderclipper.com Hope your having a great January.