Many dogs (and some cats) get anxious or nervous. Whether it's a trip to the vet, or neighbors visiting, your pet can get "out of hand". For some pets, the owner can be the solution, talking and petting him until he calms down. But for many others, its not that easy.
You may have seen calming products in pet stores before, and wonder, if, and how they work. If they do, what kind should I buy for MY pet. Well the answer is they DO work, but work most effectively if used in the right situation. Not only do they calm your pet, but they can reduce accidents, chewing, and destructive behavior. There are 6 main calming products, all which work just as well as the other in different environment, and on different pets. I will go over the 6 with a short description of what they are, when they should be used, and how long they will take to effect. An asterisk * will indicate if the product can be purchased in a natural form.
Tablets/treats* -- Tablet and treat variety calming products, are a convenient way to calm down your dog or cat. There are many different calming ingredients, try out a few varieties, and brands to find the one that suits your pet. Effects:15-20 min.
Calming collars *-- These handy collars emit a calming pheromone, or a herb such as lavender, for hours on end, great for a lengthy stress situation (like holidays) These are sold for dogs and cats, in many sizes. Effects: Immediately
Sprays* -- These work well in secluded spots of stress (like a car, or kennel) Frequently sold for just dogs, but you may be able to find one for cats, take a look. They contain pheromones or scents that leave your pet calmed down. They usually don't have a strong scent, as dog can smell 25 times better than humans. Effects: Immediately
Infusers*-- Infusers are similar to those plug in air fresheners. They emit a light pheromone, or scent that keeps your pet calmed all the time. They work best in the room your pet spends most of its time in, as it will be exposed more to the infuser. Great long-term idea for those continuously stressed pets. Effects: 5-15 min
Food/water drops or paste *--These work well, although the pastes may give pets with delicate stomachs nausea. These are basically the same as tablets or treats, except they work better for some pets, and they take longer to work. Effects: 30-60 min
Prescription medication -- Traditional veterinary wisdom dictates drugs as a last resort. These can range from sedatives to mood altering drugs, and once again should only be used if other methods have failed. Effects: Hours to days
Take a look around, ask your vet, and find the best product to calm your pet. Also be sure your pet isn't allergic to any of the ingredients in the edible calmers. Until next month, enjoy the nice weather.